Ginger doesn't have a dedicated free trial option for our Premium features. However, we offer a couple of flexible ways to experience Ginger Premium and see if it's the right fit for you:
Monthly Subscription with Easy Cancellation: The simplest approach is to sign up for our monthly subscription plan. This gives you a full month to explore all the advanced features Ginger Premium has to offer. If, for any reason, you decide it's not for you, just make sure to cancel the auto-renewal before the month ends, and you won't be charged further.
7-Day Money-Back Guarantee: We're confident in the value Ginger Premium provides. That's why we offer a 7-day money-back guarantee. Subscribe to any plan, and if you're not completely satisfied within the first 7 days, you can request a full refund. To learn more about the refund process, please review this article.
We want you to feel comfortable exploring Ginger Premium and discovering how it can enhance your writing. These options provide the flexibility to try it out risk-free!
If you have any further questions, feel free to contact our support team. We're always happy to help!